Have you got a Visa gift card but want to transfer it to your bank account rather than spending it? This is a problem that many people have you obtain a Visa gift card from rewards websites, competitions or as a present from friends or family.

In this post we show you can transfer your visa gift card to your bank account and how you can turn the gift card into cash.

How to exchange gift cards to cash

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How to convert Visa gift cards to cash

Before we get into how to convert Visa gift cards to cash, we’ll first explain the main things you’ll need to do in order to get cash from your card.

1. Find out the cash amount of your gift card

The first step is to get the amount of cash you’ll be getting from your gift card. This is usually written on the back of the card or you can look it up online if you don’t see it. This is the value that you’ll get for the card.

2. Visit a cashier at a store

The second step is to visit a cashier at a store. You’ll need to make sure that the cashier has a sign that says they accept gift cards. This is something that you can ask if you don’t know, but it’s good to check before you visit the store.


1) Use your Visa gift card to buy other merchants’ gift cards

One of the best ways to convert your Visa gift card to cash is to use it to buy another merchant’s gift card. That’s because you’ll end up with a brand new card in the end! But you’ll have to spend a little bit of time to figure out which cards to buy.


You can use sites like CardRatings to compare the various gift cards that are available and find one that you’re comfortable with. Once you’ve chosen, you can just use the gift card to purchase another one from that merchant – and so on.


2) Add gift card to your PayPal wallet

PayPal is a popular way to go if you’re looking to add some quick cash to your PayPal wallet. That’s because a lot of PayPal’s user community likes it for its convenience – and this is why it’s great for gift card balance conversion. You can start by purchasing a digital gift card or voucher for some of the things you’d like to buy, convert these to PayPal cash and then use these to top up your PayPal wallet balance.

You don’t have to be logged in at the time you convert the balance from the gift card to see this option though. You can view the gift cards you’ve purchased on PayPal at any time.

If you are looking to use PayPal for more specific things, you can add any number of cards you’re holding to your balance at any time of the day or night. This makes PayPal a great option for those of you needing a way to convert your gift cards into cash.


How can I get money off of a gift card through PayPal?

This is a very common way of getting your Visa gift card balance converted to cash. The idea is that you purchase a PayPal balance, which then gives you the option of adding the gift card to your PayPal wallet.

Once you do this, you can use your PayPal balance to purchase things from any merchant that accepts PayPal. If you’re planning to do this though, you’ll need to pay the full balance of the Visa gift card before you add it to your PayPal wallet.

The next step is then to withdraw the money from PayPal, either as cash or into your linked bank account. Once you do this, you’ll be able to transfer the money to your bank account or to any other PayPal users.

The reason you need to pay the full balance of the gift card before adding it to your PayPal wallet is because PayPal only lets you add balances that are over $100.


3) Add it to your Venmo account

Venmo is another way to transfer the balance of your Visa gift card to PayPal. This means that you’ll be able to do the same thing as above, but this time using Venmo.

It’s just as easy, but it’s also free and if you’re a social media user, you may be interested to know that you can use Venmo to send money to other people on your list.

How to convert gift cards to cash from Venmo

To convert gift cards to cash from Venmo, there are a couple of options. First off, you can go the direct route and take the balance to a physical location that’s capable of giving you cash. You can then use the cash to buy things from stores that accept Visa gift cards.

The alternative is to use the balance on a gift card to get cash through an app or service.


4) Pay your bills with your Visa gift card

If you have a bill that you pay online, it may be possible to pay it with a gift card instead. You can then use the balance of the card to pay for the bill.

Some bills, like cable, may allow you to pay for the bill with a gift card, as long as you don’t already have a balance on the card.

However, there are others, like your phone bill, that you can’t do this with.

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5) Sell It On The Raise App

If you don’t want to get your hands dirty, you can always sell your gift card on the Raise app. To do so, you’ll have to follow the steps below.

1. Open the app on your smartphone.

2. Search for the merchant you want to sell the gift card to.

3. Scroll down to the “Listings” section.

4. Select the gift card you want to sell.

5. You will see a box that says “Sell Gift Card.”

6. Scroll down and select the amount of cash you want to receive for the gift card.

7. Enter the number of gift cards you want to sell.

8. Click “Buy Now” and then “Sell.”


6) Sell The Visa Gift Card Online

A lot of people like to sell their Visa gift cards for cash, especially if they have a large amount. Some of the websites that buy Visa gift cards include Paypal, Venmo, CardCash, and Raise. So, why not sell your gift card on these sites?

You can get paid in cash or a gift card.


7) Sell It On eBay

Some people sell their gift cards on eBay. This is a great way to make money if you have a lot of unwanted gift cards. You can sell your gift cards in three ways: Private message, email, or sell on eBay.


If you have a lot of gift cards, you can sell them on eBay and make money. You can use an online store like Ebay to sell your gift cards.

Selling a Visa gift card on eBay is one of the most popular ways to convert a gift card into cash. When selling on eBay, it is best to have a higher starting bid than the final bid price. For example, if the gift card is worth $100, you would set the starting bid at $100 and then wait for someone to purchase the gift card.

When someone buys the gift card, you will get the cash equivalent of the gift card. You will get a percentage of the final bid price. There are different types of eBay gift cards and they will determine the amount of the final bid price.

The main difference between eBay gift cards and other gift cards is that you will get paid for your eBay gift card.


8) Sell It On Facebook Marketplace

If you are a Facebook user you can sell your gift card on the Facebook Marketplace platform. Simply list your gift card for sale and when someone makes an offer you can physically hand it to them or send it to them when you receive the money.

Facebook Marketplace

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9) Go to a Gift Card Exchange Kiosk to trade it in for cash

If you’re planning to make the most of your Visa gift card, it’s worth checking out the Gift Card Exchange kiosk located near you. You can visit this kiosk for the following purposes:

1. to buy cash

2. to exchange your gift card for cash

3. to receive a gift card in exchange for your gift card

4. to receive a gift card for a gift card

5. to buy gift cards

6. to receive gift cards in exchange for your gift card

This is because there are companies that will pay you cash for your gift card. The average amount of cash you can expect to receive is $20 to $40.


10) Sell your Visa gift card through an app

You can actually use an app to buy and sell gift cards .The best one we found is called CardCash, which you can download for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. 


11) cashforcards.com

There are a number of ways to use your Visa gift card to get cash, but we found one that’s a little less complicated than the rest.You can visit the website for the store you want to redeem your card for cash for by going to cashforcards.com and selecting your gift card from the list.


12) Visit the nearest Post Office

If you happen to live near a post office, it may accept gift cards for cash. It is worth noting that not all Post Offices offer this service. If they do, you can get cash for your gift card at the counter.


13) Trade it in for something else

You can also use your gift card to pay for something else at either a pawn shop or exchange shop. This is especially handy if you’re trying to build up a stockpile of cash .When you’re at the store, instead of paying with your Visa gift card, you can pay with the gift card that you’re trading in.


14) Use GiftCardGranny.com

GiftCardGranny.com is one of the main websites online for converting gift cards into cash.

To sell your gift cards on this website is straight forward.

1) Find your gift card brand 
2) Enter the gift card balance
3) View your offers. You can either sell it now to receive payment within days, name your price to personally list and manage your card online or trade in and choose from dozens of popular retail gift cards.


15) Sell your Visa gift card a friend

While it’s not quite as easy as selling your gift card to a website, it is possible to sell your gift card to a friend. However, you’ll have to be sure that the person you sell it to are legit and will actually pay you for the card.


16) Trade your Visa gift card in for a virtual prepaid card

Another option is to trade in your gift card for a prepaid card, such as a virtual VISA Prepaid Card or a Paypal prepaid card. This will mean that you’ll have cash in your hand almost immediately. You’ll be able to load the money onto the card in the exact same way as if you’d used your gift card. The catch here is that you’ll have to pay for the service yourself.


17) Give them out as gifts

One final option for those with a few spare Visa gift cards lying around is to give them out as gifts. Just be sure to let your friends know how much money is available from the cards before handing them out.


18) Sell It on Craigslist

You can sell the card to someone on Craigslist. Be sure to include a clear picture of the card with the details of the gift card on it and a complete description of the card.


Selling it in this manner is a great way to earn extra cash.


Can you turn a Visa gift card into cash in hand?

The only ways to turn your visa gift card into cash in hand is to sell your gift card to someone on Facebook marketplace or through selling it to a friend.

There are certain Gift Card Kiosks that will give you actual money in return for your unused gift card.


Can you put a Visa gift card in your bank account?

It’s simply not a way to get money out of a Visa gift card in the same way that you can with a debit card. You can however, access the cash that’s stored on the card using your PayPal account, but that’s about as close as you can get to ‘real’ cash.


Can you put a Visa gift card on your credit card?

No. It’s not possible to put a Visa gift card on your credit card. You’ll need to use a bank account instead, or a debit card.


Can you buy anything with a Visa gift card?

Yes, you can buy anything online with a Visa gift card if the retailer has the Visa payment option in their ecommerce shop checkout.


How to transfer a Visa gift card to a bank account?

Not all banks allow the transfer of a Visa gift card to a bank account. You will have to check with your bank to see if this is possible.

When you go to withdraw money from your Visa gift card, it’s a good idea to be sure you know which bank you want the money transferred to. That way, you’ll be able to make the right choice and transfer the money to the right place. There are two types of options for this: direct deposit and check transfer.

Direct deposit

You can deposit your money into your bank account via direct deposit. This means that instead of going to the bank, you’ll go to your bank and ask them to direct deposit the money into your account. Direct deposit is typically the quickest and most convenient way to get the money to your bank account, but it also means you’ll have to wait a few days before the money shows up.

Check transfer

You can also use a check transfer to move the money to your bank account. With this, you’ll use a check to transfer the money to your bank account.

For some people, a Visa gift card can be used like a credit card and can be used to pay for things like online purchases and the like. As such, you can do things like transfer money to your bank account from your gift card.

One way to do this is to first use a PayPal balance to get your Visa gift card balance. You’ll then need to use PayPal to send the money to your bank account. To do this, head to PayPal’s website, sign into your account, and go to the “Send Money” option.


Can you withdraw cash from a prepaid Visa?

The short answer is yes, although you’ll likely have to go through a few more steps to get it. The reason for this is that prepaid cards aren’t really treated like cash. As such, you can’t simply walk into any bank or ATM and withdraw the money on your card.

Instead, you have to go through the steps of going through a transaction and then getting your cash. You’ll also have to wait for the money to be transferred to your bank account before you can withdraw it.

However, there are some options available to get this cash in your hands quickly. As mentioned above, you can use a cash card to withdraw money directly from your prepaid card. You’ll also have to go through a transaction and then transfer the money to your bank account.

You can also use a cash card that lets you withdraw cash directly from a prepaid card.


Can you transfer money from a gift card to a debit card?

A Visa gift card is treated like any other Visa debit card when it comes to transferring money from it to your bank account. This means you can use it to make purchases online or in-person, make bill payments and withdraw cash. This is the same process as if you were using a Visa debit card.


How to get cash from a Vanilla Visa gift card?

As mentioned above, you can use a Visa gift card to make purchases online or in-person, pay bills and withdraw cash. You can also use it to get cash back at stores, which we’ll talk about in a minute.


This means that you can use a gift card to buy things, get cash back, pay bills and withdraw cash. However, this is only possible if you pay the card off in full. The balance isn’t transferable to another account.

You can, however, withdraw the money from the card and deposit it into your PayPal account or a bank account.

This is typically the most convenient way to get cash from a gift card, but it’s important to know that you won’t be able to transfer the money to another account. If you want to get cash back, keep reading.


Can you use a Visa gift card at an ATM?

There are a few ways to use a gift card at an ATM. For example, if you’re using a Visa gift card at an ATM, the cash will be dispensed by your bank. It will be available to you via your debit card. The balance will be added to your account, making the money available to be withdrawn by your debit card.

This will happen at any ATM that supports debit cards, although if you want to make sure that you’re not adding to a high-limit card, you may want to go to an ATM that has a high-limit card holder sign.


Can you use a Visa gift card at an online store?

If you have a Visa gift card, you can use it at online stores, as long as the store is accepting it. There are a few ways to do this.

For example, you can add the card to your PayPal wallet and then make purchases from there.


Can you transfer a Visa gift card to Cash App?

This is a popular option for many people, as the Cash App is very simple to use. Cash App is a mobile application that allows you to transfer money to other people and businesses as well as receive money for things you’ve bought. To do so, you just need to log into the app and add your Visa gift card. It’s as easy as that

.If you have more than one gift card in your account, you can transfer money to any of them, allowing you to use the cash for whatever you want. In addition, you can even get money back in exchange for gift cards, so this is a great way to earn money and use your gift cards. You can also sell your gift cards to the Cash App if you want to get a little extra cash.


Can you transfer a Vanilla Visa gift card to the Cash App?

You can transfer money from a Vanilla Visa gift card to the Cash App.


FAQ: What is a Vanilla Visa Gift Card?

A vanilla Visa gift card is a gift card with no monetary value on it. This means that it can be redeemed for any purchases that the cardholder chooses to make. There are three ways to redeem a gift card:

  • Buy gift cards online and redeem them for cash at any point of sale (physical store or online)
  • Buy gift cards online and redeem them for cash at an ATM
  • Buy gift cards online and use them as a credit card at an online retailer


How can I get cash from a Vanilla Visa gift card?

You can get cash from a vanilla Visa gift card by redeeming it for a money order.


Can you transfer money from a Vanilla Visa gift card to a bank account?

Yes, you can.


Can I use a gift card to withdraw cash at an ATM?

Yes, it is possible to use a gift card to withdraw cash at an ATM.


Where to get free visa gift cards

If you want to get a free Visa gift card, the best place to get one is by doing tasks such as doing surveys, watching videos and receiving cash back for shopping online using the following rewards websites and apps:

  • Swagbucks
  • PrizeRebel
  • InboxDollars
  • Ibotta
  • Slidejoy

See also the best apps that pay you


Where do I get a gift card?

Gift cards can be found in numerous places, including stores, supermarkets, restaurants, online stores, and more. You can find a list of gift card providers on the website of the National Association of Gift Card Merchants (NAGCM).To find the best provider, you can visit the NAGCM website and check the member list.


This is a trusted organization that is often recommended to businesses when they are in need of gift card providers:


United States Postal Service (USPS)

USPS sells gift cards online. You can get a gift card for a specific amount of money. They can be used to buy merchandise from their network of retail outlets. You can buy gift cards online for amounts ranging from $10 to $1,000.


American Express

American Express sells gift cards online. You can get a gift card for a specific amount of money. They can be used to buy merchandise from their network of retail outlets. You can buy gift cards online for amounts ranging from $10 to $1,000.


American Apparel

American Apparel sells gift cards online. You can get a gift card for a specific amount of money. They can be used to buy merchandise from their network of retail outlets. You can buy gift cards online for amounts ranging from $10 to $1,000.


Home Depot

Home Depot sells gift cards online. You can get a gift card for a specific amount of money.



Walmart sells gift cards that are reloadable and can be used anywhere. They include the following:

  • Walmart gift cards that you can buy online
  • Walmart gift cards that you can buy at a physical store


Bed Bath & Beyond

Bed Bath & Beyond is a retail chain that sells gift cards for various purposes. The cards can be reloadable or not. Some of them can be used at the physical stores of the chain while others can be used anywhere. It is up to the customer to decide.

The Bed Bath & Beyond gift cards are reloadable. The denominations vary from $20 to $500.



Amazon is a retailer that sells gift cards for various purposes. The gift cards are usually used for online purchases and can be reloadable or not. The gift cards are for $20, $50, $100, and $200 denominations.



Target is a retail store that offers various items for purchase. It has a wide range of products that you can buy. It has a physical location and online store. The gift cards you can get from Target are reloadable. They are usually given to the customer as a reward for their loyalty. You can find various gift cards from Target. The denominations of the gift cards range from $25 to $500.


Google Play

Google Play is an online store that offers products to buy. You can buy them online or from physical stores. The gift cards you can buy from Google Play are reloadable.

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CVS is a chain of drug stores that you can buy various goods. It also sells gift cards. You can purchase a gift card from the store or online. Gift cards range from $25 to $300.



Costco is an online store that sells various products. It also sells gift cards. Gift cards range from $25 to $300.



iTunes is a popular online store where you can buy various goods and services. You can buy iTunes gift cards in various denominations ranging from $25 to $200.


Barnes and Noble

You can buy Barnes and Noble gift cards online or at a physical store. Gift cards from Barnes and Noble are available in $25, $50, and $100 denominations.



Safeway sells gift cards ranging from $25 to $500. You can get them online or from a physical store.


Best Buy

Best Buy sells gift cards ranging from $25 to $300. You can get them online or from a physical store.


What can I do with a gift card?

Gift cards are the perfect gift for anyone because they help you save money on your gift buying. It is a good idea to choose a gift card that will benefit your recipient. If you are unsure about the recipient, you can ask them about their interests and what they need to have a good day. A gift card that can be used to buy their favorite meal or a gift card that they can use to buy some new clothes would be perfect.

Gift Cards are an excellent way to present a gift to your loved ones. You can give them gift cards from a variety of places such as restaurants, grocery stores, and clothing stores.

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