When talking about money, its often the case that you hear people say its 5 figures, or I earn 6 figures, I have a 7 figures salary, I have saved 8 figures, or she’s earning 9 figures.
What does 5 figures actually mean? In this post we will explain in simple terms the meaning in monetary terms what 5 Figures, 6 Figures, 7 Figures, 8 Figures and 9 Figures actually are.
Table of Contents
What is a Figure?
A figure is an amount or value that is expressed in numbers. Essentially, any digit from 0-9 is a figure.
What is a Single Figure?
A single figure is a single digit on its own for example:
1 = is a single digit.
Any number 0-9 on its own is a single digit.
What is a Double Figure?
A double figure is any number with two digits, for example:
10 = is a double figure.
Any number between 10-99 is a double figure
What is 3 figures?
3 Figures represents any 3 digit number, for example:
100 = is a three figure number.
Any number between 100-999 is a 3 figure number.
See how you can make 3 figures with free money
What is 4 figures?
4 figures is any number with 4 digits for example:
1000 = is 4 figures.
Any number between 1000-9999 is 4 figures.
Learn how many pennies is in $100.
What is a 4 figure salary?
A 4 figure salary is the lower end of salaries and would represent part time work.
A 4 figure salary would consist of any income between $1,000 – $9,999.
See how you can make 4 figures with apps that pay you
How much is 4 figures salary weekly?
To calculate a weekly salary for four figures you simply divide the salary by 52.
A weekly four figure salary would be in the region of $19.23 – $192.29:
1,000 / 52 = $19.23
9,999 / 52 = $192.29
Here are some under the table jobs that pay 4 figures and extra money
How much is a 4 figures salary monthly?
To calculate a monthly salary for 4 figures you simply divide the salary by 12.
A weekly four figure salary would be in the region of $83.33-$833.25 per week:
1,000 / 12 = $83.3
9,999 / 12 = $833.25
There are also passive income opportunities that pay monthly 4 figure sums.
What is 5 figures?
5 figures is any number with 5 digits.
Any number between 10000 – 99999 is a five figure sum.
10000 is the lowest 5 figures sum and 99999 is the biggest five figure number possible.
How much is five figures in money?
Five figures in money is any monetary value from $10,000 to $99,999. Those starting their own business may earn a five figure income in their first year.
How much is a 5 figure salary?
A 5 figure salary is an income in the region of $10,000 – $99,999.
For most in the USA, a five figure salary is the general average salary for skilled and professional employees.
The lowest 5 figure salary per year is $10,000 with $99,999 being the highest possible 5 figures salary.
If you ever hear someone say they are earning a 5 figure salary, or they earned 5 figures making money online, they are basically saying they earned between $10,000 – $99,999.
See jobs that you can earn 5 figures available online
How much is a 5 figures salary weekly?
A weekly five figures salary would be in the region of $192.31- $1923.05 per week:
10,000 / 52 = $192.31
99,999 / 52 = $1923.05
How much is a 5 figures salary monthly?
A monthly wage of a 5 figures salary would be in the region of $833.33-$8333.25 per week:
10,000 / 12 = $833.33
99,999 / 12 = $8333.25
What are 5 Figure salary jobs?
Most jobs are five figure salary jobs. Most junior positions and entry level jobs offer remuneration in the region of 5 figures, or between $10,000 – $99,999. Five figure salary jobs are considered median salary jobs.
A five figure sum is also possible to earn as passive income from blogs and other side hustles.
What is 6 figures?
6 figures is any number with six digits.
Any number between 100000 – 999999 is a six figure sum.
100000 is the lowest six figures sum and 999999 is the biggest 6 figure number possible.
How Much Money is Six Figures?
Six Figures in money is any sum from $100,000 to $999,999. If someone asks you how much is 6 figures in money, you can mention to them that it is any sum of money between $100,000 and $999,999. 6 figures in money is almost a million dollars. Six figures in cash is one of the most popular financial goals among millenials.
How much is 6 figures salary?
If you are asked how much is 6 figures salary, a six figure salary is an income in the region of $100,000 – $999,999.
A six figure salary is considered a top earner in the USA. As per Investopedia, Top 10% of earners will earn $158,002 while the top 1% workers earn $737,697 per year.
If you ever heard someone’s annual salary is a 6 figure income, or they made six figures online, it means they earned between $100,000 – $999,999.
Below we will show you how much is 6 figures salary is weekly and monthly.
It is also possible to earn a million dollars through compound interest.
How much is a 6 figures salary weekly?
If you are asked how much is 6 figures actual salary paid weekly; a weekly 6 figures salary would be paid in the region of $1,923.07- $19,230.75 per week:
Low six figures is 100,000 / 52 = $1,923.07
High six figures is999,999 / 52 = $19,230.75
How much is a 6 figures salary monthly?
A monthly wage of a six figures salary would be in the region of $8,333.33-$83,333.25 per week:
A low six figure salary is 100,000 / 12 = $8333.33
A high six figure salary is 999,999 / 12 = $83333.25
What careers make six figures a year?
Would you like a six figure income? There are many jobs that pay a six figure annual salary in the US. Here are a examples of jobs that pay a six figure income:
- Petroleum Engineers
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Senior Business Consultants
The six figure jobs mentioned above are usually for employees with years of experience. It is rare to find an entry level job that offers a six figure annual income.
What 6-Figure Salary Jobs Require No College Degree?
There are 6 figure pay jobs that do not require a degree. Some jobs paying over $100,000 that do not require qualifications include:
- Full-Stack Web Developer
- Construction Manager
- Blogging
- YouTuber
The jobs above that require no college degree require motivation to to generate an annual income of over six figures.
What are six figure business ideas?
Businesses that can be set up and potentially earn six figure incomes include:
- Online media businesses
- Blogs
- Digital marketing companies
- Ecommerce shops
- Web Development
What is 7 figures?
7 figures is any number with seven digits.
Any number between 1000000 – 9999999 is a 7 figure sum.
1,000,000 is the lowest 7 figures sum. 9,999,999 is the biggest seven figure number possible.
How much money is seven figures?
Seven figures is one million dollars. One million dollars is written with with seven digits as follows: $1,000,000. 7 figures in money is any number from $1,000,000 to $9,999,999.
What is a 7 figure salary?
A 7 figure salary is an annual income in the region of $1,000,000 – $9,999,999.
Investopedia suggests that the top 0.1% workers earn seven figure income in the region of $2,808,104 per year.
If you ever hear someone say they are earning a seven figure income, or they have been able to save money to amass 7 figures in their lifetime, it means they earned between $1,000,000 – $9,999,999.
Those who earn an annual income of 7 figures are called millionaires or multi-millionaires.
How much is a 7 figures salary weekly?
A weekly seven figure annual salary would be in the region of $19,230.77- $192,307.67 per week:
1,000,000 / 52 = $19,230.77
9,999,999 / 52 = $192,307.67
See who the richest people in Zambia are
How much is a 7 figure salary monthly?
A monthly wage of a 7 figure salary would be in the region of $83,333.33-$833,333.25 per week:
1,000,000 / 12 = $83,333.33
9,999,999 / 12 = $833,333.25
What Jobs Pay 7 Figures?
Most jobs that pay 7 figures are top executive jobs such as a CEO of a company.
A lot of people how earn seven figure incomes have their own business.
Other seven figure salaries are paid to the “rich and famous” including:
- Movie stars
- Sports athletes
- Music artists
- Fashion designers
Artists like Drake have earned over 7 figures.
See our rich list of those who are earning 7 figure salaries.
What is 8 figures?
8 figures is any number with 8 digits.
Any number between 10000000 – 99999999 is an eight figure sum.
10,000,000 is the lowest 8 figures sum. 99,999,999 is the biggest eight figure number possible.
What is an 8 figures salary?
An 8 figure salary is an income in the region of $10,000,000 – $99,999,999.
If you ever hear someone say they are earning a eight figure income, or they made 8 figures in their lifetime, it means they earned between $10,000,000 – $99,999,999.
How much is an 8 figures salary weekly?
A weekly eight figure salary would be in the region of $192,307.69-$1,923,076.90 per week:
10,000,000 / 52 = $192,307.69
99,999,999 / 52 = $1,923,076.90
How much is an 8 figures salary monthly?
A monthly wage of an 8 figure salary would be in the region of $833,333.33-$8,333,333.25 per week:
10,000,000 / 12 = $833,333.33
99,999,999 / 12 = $8,333,333.25
What Jobs Pay 8 Figures Salary?
Jobs that would pay eight figures would include:
- Hedge Fund Managers
- Soccer Players
- A-list Movie Actors
- YouTubers
- NFL Players
- F1 Drivers
Music artists like P Diddy have earned over 9 figures in net worth
What is 9 figures?
9 figures is any number with nine digits.
Any number between 100000000 – 999999999 is a nine figure sum.
100,000,000 is the lowest 9 figures sum. 999,999,999 is the biggest 9 figure number possible.
What is a 9 figures salary?
A nine figures salary is an income in the region of $10,000,000 – $99,999,999. ( Yes, it is that much money)
If you ever hear someone say they are earning a 9 figure income, or they made nine figures in cash in their lifetime, it means they earned between $10,000,000 – $99,999,999.
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How much is a 9 figure salary weekly?
A weekly 9 figure salary would be in the region of $1923076.92-$19230769.21 per week:
100,000,000 / 52 = $1923076.92
999,999,999 / 52 = $19230769.21
How much is a 9 figures salary monthly?
A monthly wage of a nine figures salary would be in the region of $833,333.33-$8,333,333.25 per week:
100,000,000 / 12 = $8,333,333.33
999,999,999 / 12 = $83,333,333.25
See also what a Billion dollars in cash looks like.
What Jobs Pay 9 Figure Salaries?
There are very few jobs that pay 9 figure salaries. There are sports stars who earn yearly nine figure incomes of over one hundred million dollars have a number of income streams including, endorsements and business ventures.
If you ever hear anyone talking about a 6 figure sum or a six figures income, this guide will help you better understand the meaning when someone mention figures in money terms.